
„RadioControl“ controls the SSB reception. After correct adjustment, this program part can work fully automatically. There is a number of possible adjustments. The received data and pictures are displayed in MeteoViewer.
MeteoCom is able to receive several channels at once. You can select each individual channel for adjustments using the channel tabs.

The „Radio“ display shows you various adjustment possibilities, depending on the type of radio being used. This way you can make manual adjustments to your radio. Make sure to acquaint yourself with the functions of your radio beforehand. Frequencies are decreased or increased by clicking the tuning knob in the respective direction. The frequency step width is selected in „Steps“. You can click on the frequency readout with your mouse (right click + / left click -). The segment you click on will be increased or decreased by one step. Clicking on the „F“ button will open a window in which you can manually enter a frequency.
„NB“ is a noise blanker which serves the suppression of cracking noises. „AGC“ is an automatic gain control which adjusts the receiver depending on the signal strength. The signal strength is indicated on the S-meter. If a signal becomes stronger than S7 you can activate the signal attenuator „ATT“. The attenuator protects the receiver from excessively strong signals.

The „USB“, „LSB“, „CW“, „AM“, „FM“ and „WFM“ buttons switch between operation modes. For normal weather data reception we recommend to use „USB“ at a bandwidth of 3 KHz IF. “AM” is used for normal broadcast reception at 6 KHz IF. “WFM” is used for the VHF broadcast band on frequencies between 87 and 106 MHz and an IF bandwidth setting of 50 KHz.
„SQL“ is the squelch, which suppresses receiver noise in the absence of a signal. „VOL“ is the volume adjustment of the radio. This control should never be set to zero, because that would prevent a signal from getting through to the computer. We recommend to set the volume control to „AUDIO-CTRL“.

Frequence Manager

This list comprises all necessary data for the reception of weather reports. With a double mouse click the radio station is tuned in on the radio with the correct frequency shift and the reception program is started with all parameters.

Easy frequency selection: When you have chosen a list entry and press the space bar, the frequency of the radio will be switched. This way you can check whether there is any usable reception.

However, if you press Enter or double-click on the list entry the frequency will be tuned in, the reception program will be launched and the necessary reception parameters transferred. The reception program is now ready and will start decoding data.
There are two available lists: „Main-List“ and „Favorites“. You can arrange the favorites list easily by deleting all radio stations that are not applicable to your area.

Arranging and Sorting Lists:
If you point your mouse arrow on the dividing lines between the upper bar and the list, a cross will appear. If you capture the cross with the left mouse button and pull to the left or right you can adjust the display width. Clicking on the list areas „RX-Frq“, „Mode“, „Name“ etc., will sort the list respectively. This will help you find a particular radio station.


The Context Menu:
Clicking the right mouse button will open the context menu. This menu is also used in other parts of the program and allows you to make additional adjustments. You can enter a radio station, copy, sort or delete. If this icon appears in front of a station entry, there is an entry about this station in the „BONITO ScheduleList“.


BONITO ScheduleList

To set up a timer you first have to know the frequency of the correct radio station and the time of transmission. The „BONITO ScheduleList“ is the proper tool. Since MeteoCom 6 this tool is no longer limited to weather fax but has been expanded to include RTTY and Navtex.


If you press this button in front of a frequency, the „BONITO ScheduleList“ will open. This allows you to receive a Fax Transmitter at your position. Now expand your area on the global map. The radio stations you can receive in your area are automatically marked in the list. If you select one of these stations, all frequencies of this station will be displayed, including all transmitting times. Clicking on one time slot in the transmission schedule will show you the map area covered by this particular transmission. All times indicated are UTC.


You can select, drag and drop the desired radio station from the Frequency list into the timer list window.



activate the timer

load /save:

save or load the created timer


make a new timer

edit line:

edit this entry for Changes

delete line:

delete this entry


If you double-click the entry, a new window opens, indicating the station adjustments. In this window you can adjust the start and stop time. Please make sure to use UTC at all times. If you are ready, save the Timer by using the “save” button.
Now you can “active” the timer and MeteoCom starts working automatically.

Your computer should always be set to the time zone and local time of your actual location. The MeteoCom timer calculates the UTC based on your set time. If you independently set UTC to any time zone on your computer, the timer will not work.

AudioControl ( AUDIO CTRL) - Radio Manager

Soundcard Adjustments

Which audio connections does my computer have?
For notebooks there are two possible varieties: The first one has three jacks „Line- IN“, „Microphone“ and „Loudspeaker“. Type 2 only has two jacks, „Microphone“ and „Loudspeaker“. MeteoCom automatically looks for the „Line-IN“ connection and usually finds it.

Activating the microphone jack:
If your computer only has a microphone jack, it first has to be set up as a source for reception. Click on „AUDIO-CTRL“ in the „RadioControl“ tab to get to the audio adjustments.
The lower part of the window will look like this:

In „AUDIO-CTRL“ you can make changes to all necessary audio adjustments. „Main speaker on“ toggles the speaker for monitoring. „Volume“ controls the volume of your PC.

In the „Line/Signal IN“ area you can adjust the volume of the incoming signal. It is important to adjust the signal in such way that there is no distortion (red area). In the „Wave/Filter Out“ area you can hear the filtered signal. In this case it makes sense to deactivate „Signal-In ON“. Click on „Driver to open the “Audio Mixer Driver Selection” to choose the microphone connection.

Audio Driver Config

You can change the Audio settings easily here.
If you click the dropdown menu “Input Select“ you can choose a different Input source like “Microphone” instead “Line-In” for example. The denomination may vary depending on the soundcard.

Since most microphones are very sensitive, adjust the gain button to the lower 25% range. Some soundcards offer a microphone boost function. This function must be deactivated!



MeteoCom can also record spoken weather reports. Just double-click on a broadcast service that transmits spoken language (e.g. Deutsche Welle) in the frequency list. If you want to listen to a recording simply double-click an entry in the „Wave file-Archive“.

Adjusting the „Equalizer“ works like drawing with your mouse. Click and hold the mouse button and then draw the filter curve to your liking. With this you can notch out interferences and unwanted noises very effectively while audio recording.


Read more About the Soundcard Settings in How to


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