

How can we help you?

We offer support for our products. Here you can find manuals, WebInstall and solutions for problems or get support from a professional.


You will find most of the information in the online manual. We are constantly expanding our manuals to provide you with the best possible description. here you will find the links to the manuals:

MeteoCom 6





G4 / LTE-STick

Boni-Whip Marine


On our YouTube channel you find different Videos about our products.


You can find loads of interesting articles in the Bonito Newsroom.

Bonito Customer Service

Do you have any questions regarding the operation of our devices / software or you like to know the latest about Bonito products? Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.
Phone: +49 5052 6052
E-Mail: office “@” bonito.net


Bonito and NTI products are designed to be repairable. If you have a defective device or antenna, please contact us by phone or e-mail and give us a detailed description of the defect, preferably with image material.

Paid Support

Bonito Online Support

If you have a bigger problem with your computer that you can not solve (Windows settings for example), we can also help you. Through the TeamViewerSupport-Tool, we can also look directly at your PC and fix it directly if necessary. Costs: 15 minutes = 20, – €
After the agreed date, please download the support tool and start it if you are asked by one of our team members: TeamViewer