Bonito Wetterdatenservice no GRIB

Weather Data Service

With Bonito Internet weather data service you get world-wide high resolution forecast information (0.1 degree raster; up to 7 days forecast) allowing you to plan a safe trip at any time.
You will get all necessary data:

  • Wind: Strength and Direction (10m and Sea Level)
  • Wave: Height and Direction
  • Barometric Pressure: at Sea Level
  • Air Temperature: 2 m above ground
  • Cloud Cover: Altitude and Ceiling
  • Precipitation: by Type
  • Relative Air Humidity
  • Water Temperature
  • Convective Clouds
  • Waves: 1st and 2nd Swell and Direction
  • Precipitation: Rain, Snow, Fog, Snow Cover
  • Primary Wave Period
  • Primary Wave direction
  • Secondary Wave period
  • Secondary Wave direction

Synoptic data (measured actual values)

Synopsis data are measured values ​​and the foundation of all predictions. These data indicate the values ​​that have surrounded and you actually surrounded you.With these Data you are in a position to verify the forecast data by yourself. You can download the synoptic data from the last 7 days. This is interesting for the use of digital logbooks such as TripCon.

Satellites images

You can access a large selection of satellite pictures. In addition there is a special selection of satellite images which are suitable for animation. The past weather runs as an animation on your screen, while you can change the presentation, zoom or shift . Remarkable is the special type of animation: an image transformation process creates an extremely brilliant picture of the slide show.

Four times a day “fresh” Weather

Forecasts are generally run four times a day, and the MeteoServer system will be updated every 6 Hours as well. However for you it’s normally not necessary to update the Data so often.

Technical Data

Format: BMSD
Covering: world wide
Displayed Resolution: Step less 0,1 Grad
Forecast period: up to 7 days forecast
Synoptic period back up to 7 days
Time steps 1 hour steps
Available values​​: Wind, Waves, Air pressure, Air-; Water-and Ground temperature, Clouds, Precipitation, Humidity

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