With Bonito Internet weather data service you get world-wide high resolution forecast information (0.1 degree raster; up to 7 days forecast) allowing you to plan a safe trip at any time.
You will get all necessary data:
- Wind: Strength and Direction (10m and Sea Level)
- Wave: Height and Direction
- Barometric Pressure: at Sea Level
- Air Temperature: 2 m above ground
- Cloud Cover: Altitude and Ceiling
- Precipitation: by Type
- Relative Air Humidity
- Water Temperature
- Convective Clouds
- Waves: 1st and 2nd Swell and Direction
- Precipitation: Rain, Snow, Fog, Snow Cover
- Primary Wave Period
- Primary Wave direction
- Secondary Wave period
- Secondary Wave direction
Synoptic data (measured actual values)
Synopsis data are measured values and the foundation of all predictions. These data indicate the values that have surrounded and you actually surrounded you.With these Data you are in a position to verify the forecast data by yourself. You can download the synoptic data from the last 7 days. This is interesting for the use of digital logbooks such as TripCon.
Satellites images
You can access a large selection of satellite pictures. In addition there is a special selection of satellite images which are suitable for animation. The past weather runs as an animation on your screen, while you can change the presentation, zoom or shift . Remarkable is the special type of animation: an image transformation process creates an extremely brilliant picture of the slide show.
Four times a day “fresh” Weather
Forecasts are generally run four times a day, and the MeteoServer system will be updated every 6 Hours as well. However for you it’s normally not necessary to update the Data so often.
Technical Data
Format: BMSD
Covering: world wide
Displayed Resolution: Step less 0,1 Grad
Forecast period: up to 7 days forecast
Synoptic period back up to 7 days
Time steps 1 hour steps
Available values: Wind, Waves, Air pressure, Air-; Water-and Ground temperature, Clouds, Precipitation, Humidity