
Weather on Board

For years weather forecasts and nautical warnings have been transmitted free of charge throughout the world via short-wave radio on more than 200 Stations to enable ships to receive the information. In addition, there are about 180 Navtex stations that transmit navigational warnings in coastal areas.

If you sail in your dream area, you need current weather information for your area. With Bonito’s weather solutions you can prepare your sailing trip already at home and during your trip you will continue to receive, free of charge, current and informative weather maps by weather fax, 2 to 5 day forecasts and synoptic data (actual measured values ​) by RTTY and navigational warnings via Navtex. All these data are presented graphically and in plain text.

You only need a Windows computer, a SSB receiver (a world receiver even works) and the matching Bonito product. As antenna a long wire, the backstay or an active antenna can be used.

If you want to use the Service to download Weather data by the Internet, you need a mobile Internet access via mobile phone, WI-FI or satellite phone.

Finding the right product

We are offering different solutions for the different areas. We like to make it as easy as possible for you finding the right products:

Area: Europe and Atlantik with USA east coast

Bonito WIB-E Pro: Automatisches Wetter Information System für ganz Europa und Atlantik

Recommendation: WIB-E Pro

Bonito’s new Weather Information system WEATHERiNFOBOX-Pro is a tiny box with an integrated SDR-SSB Receiver, a Weather decoder and an air pressure sensor. It receives WeatherFax, Navtex, Synopsis as well as RTTY Messages, European-AND NOW also Atlantic- wide fully automatically and stores it in to the integrated memory. It receives the German Weather Service, Northwood and all reachable Navtex (490 kHz or 518 kHz) stations on all possible frequencies totally PC independent… weitere Informationen lesen

Area: world wide

Recommendation: MeteoCom, MeteoJetPack

Dieses Paket empfängt mit dem MeteoJet Empfänger Daten die weltweit per Kurzwelle (Wetterfax, Synop, RTTY, Navtex, Morse usw.) versendet werden und verarbeitet dazu auch Wetterdaten aus dem Internet in einem Programm. Sie können auf ALLE verfügbaren Wetterstation zugreifen. Statt z.B. im Mittelmeer nur den Vorhersagen des Seewetteramtes Hamburg zu vertrauen, können Sie auch die Aussendungen anderer Stationen als weitere Informationsquelle hinzuziehen.
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You have already a SSb-Receiver or a SSB-Transceiver?

In this case we recommend our Weathersoftware MeteoCom 6


You have already a WEATHERiNFOBOX?

then the WeatherInfoViewer Software should be your first choice.

With this software you extend the functions substantially. The WeatherInfoViewer has the special ability to convert the simple text messages of the DWD (=German Weather Service) in to place, time and meteorological data sets to show these data in a graphical animated picture series. This makes it easier to understand the weather situation significantly, because now you can see a “moving picture” of the weather for the next few days. >> weitere Informationen lesen

Sie möchten nur Daten aus dem Internet verwenden?

Dann ist die WeatherNetViewer Software genau das Richtige für Sie.
Unsere Wettersoftware nutzt die neuesten Computer- und Kommunikationssysteme, um Sie mit animierten, grafischen Wettervorhersagen für die gewünschte Region zu versorgen. Wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Bereich, den Vorhersagezeitraum und die Werte aus. WeatherNetViewer lädt die kleinen Datenpakete sehr effizient auch über langsame Verbindungen (Ideal für Mobiltelefone). Regelmäßige weltweite Aktualisierungen halten die Vorhersagedaten auf dem neuesten Stand. Somit ist die aktuelle Vorhersage nur „einen Klick“ entfernt.
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Topic Pactor

Pactor is a very nice system to send emails via a shortwave Transceiver. The company Special Communications Systems GmbH & Co. KG (SCS) is distributing the modems for many years very successfully. At the moment we are using pactor 4 which is the newest protocol. Most of the available statio using already Pactor 4 or will change to it soon.

Unfortunately, the system suffers on its own success. Because the more people using this service, the higher is the possibility of no connection. The most famous provider is Sailmail. There are 20 stations worldwide, but only one is in Central Europe, which is located in Belgium.

Of course, this station would like to use by everyone who is in Europe and there is already the first problem: If some of these 3000 members just using this station, you do not get a connection and you have to wait. During this time the Pactor Modem tries to contact the station again and again for 1 minute, so it always transmits so-called “Requests”.

There is the problem number 2: During the transmission you consume, according to SailMail, at 12 volts about 15 amp current! According to many customers, it may take up to 1 hour until you are connected and the e-mail has been sent or you downloaded GRIB files. This is different in the area of the Caribbean East coast. There are much more stations and thus a connection is usually no problem at all.

However, you do not have to be frustrated!

If you already have such a system in operation, you are already very well equipped and can use the Bonito software for example. MeteoCom 6 use the free weather services such as Wetterfax, RTTY, Navtex, Synop etc. These are broadcasted almost round the clock in the so-called broadcasting process. The clou is that you only receive the information and don’t have to transmit  all the time. The received weather information covers the area from where you can receive it. Therefore, MeteoCom 6 is the perfect addition.
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