This program is from Bonito Germany and
is 'public domain '.
Automatic: Save to file: Compare with file: Restore from file: Set medium-value: |
find the COM-Port of PCR. read and save the contens. read the contens and then compare with a file. this is the final restor, only if you have a realy problem. this will read some medium value, if the values are lost. |
Automatic: Save to file: Compare with file: Restore from file: Set medium-value: |
sucht automatisch den COM-Port vom PCR. liest und sichert die EEProm-Daten. liest die Daten und vergleicht sie mit einen vorher gesicherten File. setzt die Daten neu ins EEProm, nur wenn du wirklich Probleme hast. this will read some medium value, if the values are lost. |