Tag Archives: Hamradio

MegaDipol Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks MegaDipol MD300DX

MegaDipol MD300DX The MegaDipol has been available since May 2018 and is becoming increasingly popular. I have received many queries regarding the correct assembly of this antenna. In these notes I would …

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RadioCom 6

RadioCom 6

RadioCom has officially been discontinued in 2021. The developer retired at the age of 74. The premium hamradio software suite RTTY-, CW-, PSK 31-, SSTV- WFax-, SatFax-, Time signal, SDR Integration, plus …

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RadioCom 6

RadioCom 6

RadioCom wurde 2021 offiziell eingestellt. Der Entwickler ist mit 74 Jahren in den Ruhestand gegangen. Premium Hamradio Software für Radio Control, RTTY-, CW-, PSK 31-, SSTV- WFax-, SatFax-, Zeitzeichen plus SubDecoder sowie …

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